Clickbait Style Title: “How Young Gen Xers Can Make 2021 Their Most Financially Stress-Free Year Yet!”

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Are you wanting to make 2021 your most stress-free year yet? More often than not, resolutions are nothing more than “going to the gym” or “eating healthy,” but a mindful approach to money can also provide improved wellness. To help young Gen Xers with personal finance and financial hygiene, we asked twenty-somethings and thirty-somethings fundamental questions, such as how to manage credit scores, track their expenses, create wills, spending money on food, and investing in first-time home buyer accounts. Read on to find out how you can make this your best year ever!

## Understanding Credit Score Basics

Your credit score is a key element of personal finance that can make or break your ability to secure loans like a mortgage. It’s essential to understand the factors that affect your credit score and how you can improve it. Read up on how types of debt, late payments, and bankruptcies can affect your credit score, and look into ways that you can maintain and gradually improve yours.

## Tracking Your Expenses

Tracking your expenses helps you to stay on top of your financial situation and makes it easier to identify where you could cut back and save money. Use a budget calculator app, spreadsheet, or spreadsheet app to record your income and spending and allow you to see how much you have left over at the end of each month.

## Writing a Will and Setting Up End-of-Life Documents

It can be difficult to talk about, but writing a will and making end-of-life plans are important considerations to make when it comes to personal finance. Establishing a living will and buying life insurance can help you to feel less anxious about the future, and make it easier for your family and beneficiaries when the time comes.

## Managing Your Food Shopping Budget

We all have to eat, but food can make a sizeable dent in your budget if you’re not careful. Eating in and packing your own lunch saves money in the long run, and learning to shop for budget-friendly foods can cut down on the cost of meals. Take the time to plan ahead and shop with intention, and your wallet won’t have to suffer for it.

## Investing in a First-Time Home Buyer Account

For first-time homebuyers, setting aside funds in one of these accounts helps you cover the costs of relocation when you’re ready to buy your first home. These accounts are available through many banks and online providers, and let you save and invest money into a tax-free fund designed to help you cover closing costs, pivotal inspections, and other costs that come along with home ownership.

Make this year your most financially stress-free yet! Read up on these personal finance tips and take steps to improve your financial wellness.